Undecided Voter Compares Trump To Crackhead In The Debate

Screen cap of Republican pollster Frank Luntz' debate focus group

Now, that is one hell of a takeaway from last night's Presidential debate between President Trump and Vice President Biden!! This was one of many scathing remarks about Trump's performance!

Most instant polling showed Americans thought Biden won the debate, by a large margin!

Via The Week: 

The first presidential debate left undecided American voters in agreement about at least one thing: President Trump's negativity.

Republican consultant and pollster Frank Luntz asked his focus group to use one word to describe the president and basically "every single word was negative," observed Politico's Tim Alberta. One respondent from Wisconsin called Trump obnoxious and un-presidential, while a Pennsylvania voter said he behaved like a "crackhead." Others described the president as being "un-American" and "arrogant."


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