Owner Wants Dog To Be Euthanized...Because The Dog Is "Gay"

Elton has been saved by Stephanie Fryns So, this guy is is both a homophobe and an idiot. Dogs "hump" or "mount" to show dominance over other dogs. Via Huffington Post: A Tennessee dog owner sent his pet to be euthanized because he suspected the dog was "gay." Fortunately, the pup was later adopted. A Jackson, Tenn., resident surrendered his "gay" dog for euthanization to the Jackson Rabies Control Animal Shelter on Jan. 29 because he saw his male pitbull/American bulldog mix "humping" another male dog, the Examiner reports. The Huffington Post confirmed with Jackson Rabies Control, a high-kill shelter, that the dog had been surrendered because his owner believed he was "gay." Don't be gay, Sparky!!