Newsflash: Pastor Rick Warren Is still A Homophobic Dick

What's going on here?! Oh, Rick. Poor Rick! A man who is filled with such hate claims to be a man of Love. The saddest part is, I think he thinks he's right. Poor Rick! Via AmericaBlog: Via Raw Story we learn that religious right mega-church leader, who sadly gave the invocation at President Obama’s swearing in , is back to his old hateful ways. Warren, who famously supported Prop 8 in California four years ago – a referendum that repealed the right to marry for gay couples in the state – is yet again saying hateful, bigoted things about gay people. It’s in his nature. Here’s Warren in an interview last night with CNN’s Piers Morgan : Megachurch pastor Rick Warren on Tuesday night said that same sex relationships would still be sinful even if they were natural. “It wouldn’t bother me if there was a ‘gay gene’ found,” he told CNN host Piers Morgan. “Here’s what we know about life,” Warren continued. “I have all kinds of natural feelings in my l...