Washington State Gay Marriage Bill Signed Into Law!

Gov. Gregoire signing gay marriage bill
Another very good day for gay rights in this country!!  I'm sure anti-gay heads are exploding all over the place.
Gov. Chris Gregoire has officially signed same-sex marriage into law in Washington State in a ceremony held in the state capital of Olympia. Weddings will commence June 7, if opponents do not have 120,000 signatures to propose a November ballot referendum by June 6.
In legalizing gay marriage, Washington is the seventh marriage-equality state, joining New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C.
Time to celebrate, Seattle! And time to thank Gov. Chris Gregoire for championing our charge for equal rites.
It’s also time for Republicans in states like New Jersey and Maryland where gay marriage is bubbling up to watch the video of Republican Rep. Maureen Walsh waxing eloquent on why she supports gay marriage.


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