I Dare You Not To Cry At This Wedding Video!

This is such a wonderful video!  The director is raising funds for a film about anti-gay bullying. I hope anyone who can donates to fund this film!  
Director/Producer Elliot London’s short film, The Wedding Dance has the power to make grown men cry. Or just you. Or Ellen and her army of millions of equality-loving moms – hint hint!
Real talk, as a gay man engaged to a total dreamboat I sometimes daydream about our wedding. Between the two of us, we have a pretty stellar constellation of loved ones – my beautiful foster mother and sister and Nick’s incredible parents and siblings. I sometimes wonder how these important people will factor into our special day.
Is there an aisle? Does Nick’s dad walk someone down it? Do we share our first dance with our best ladies? Can my sister be my best man? It’s a lovely kind of a anxiety, but sometimes an anxiety nonetheless. So I absolutely appreciate the Who Gives a $%*# nature of Jed asking his gay fathers to dance with him and his wife in this touching video.

This is the world we live in. Our families aren’t just limited to the cookie-cutter images we see in political commercials. Our real families, Like Jed and Fabi’s include lesbian aunts, Catholic abuelas, same-sex parents, goth BFF’s and a plethora of other assorted figures that have at least one thing in common – they adore us. 
If you like what you see here – and of course you have – London is currently raising funds to produce a feature film about anti-gay bullying in the age of social media on IndieGogo.
It’s incredibly heartening to see so many LGBT films being funded via crowdsourcing this year. We’d love to see London meet his goal for this film as well.


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