
Showing posts from June, 2022

Monkeypox Brings Uncertainty To The Gay Community

If you're old enough to remember when the news of a "gay cancer" started circulating in the early 1980's, you may get a bit of PTSD from the latest news about Monkeypox spreading among clusters of gay men. It is always concerning that minority communities will be ostracized due to ignorance and fear.  From The New York Times: This weekend marks the end of Pride month, as cities across the country host events to celebrate the L.G.B.T.Q. community. It is also a fraught moment in public health: A global outbreak of monkeypox is causing concern, with many of the cases clustered around men who have sex with men. Experts are now trying to strike a delicate balance, warning people who may be at higher risk, without stigmatizing a community that has often been scapegoated for health scares in the past. The first thing is wondering how did this virus, that has been circulating in Africa for many years, end up being spread in gay communities? What likely happened in this case i

Census: Almost Half Of LGBT Folks Suffer From Anxiety

File this one under "No Kidding"!! We all know the difficulties of being LGBTQ in an oppressive society. For me, knowing that I am not alone in my anxiety is kind of "soothing" for lack of a better word.  According to the Census Bureau:  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults have consistently reported higher rates of symptoms of both anxiety and depression amid the coronavirus pandemic than non-LGBT adults, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. The results were the same regardless of the period in question: LGBT adults ages 18 and older reported roughly twice the rate of mental health challenges as non-LGBT adults (Figures 1a and 1b). Another interesting point in the study is the mental health of LGBT adults who are raising children. Throughout the time series, LGBT adults living in households with children were more likely than adults (regardless of LGBT status) in other types of households to report anxiety symptoms. Dealing with homophobia plus

Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe v Wade. Justice Thomas Says Gay Marriage Is Next.

It's official. The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade.    No one was surprised by this because of the leaked draft but it still feels like a gut punch!  Additionally, in Justice Thomas' concurring opinion, he says that the court should revisit Marriage Equality. 

Republicans Are On The Attack Against Gay Rights

Unless you been under a rock, you must have noticed the many news stories about how conservative Republicans have been attacking the LGBTQ community. They have either proposed or passed hundreds of State bills, attempting to roll back Gay and Trans rights all over the Country. So has Charles Blow , in a scathing New York Times Editorial titled "The G.O.P. Tries to Build a Gay Ghetto" . From the article : This past weekend, the Republican Party in Texas voted on an outrageous platform that not only denies the results of the 2020 presidential election, but also rejects gay marriage and seeks to “protect” minors until they turn 17 against “predatory sexual behaviors,” such as drag queens reading stories aloud to children.   Drag queens are predators, trans women are a threat and gay marriage is a violation of the “natural order”: This is all part of the widening and re-energized attack by Republicans on L.G.B.T.Q. people and culture in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling