Paul Ryan's Soup Kitchen "Photo OP" As Fake As His Concern For The Poor

Paul Ryan and wife Janna pretending to volunteer at Ohio soup kitchen (AP photo)
Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan decided to show up, uninvited, to a soup kitchen to show his "concern" for the nations poor.  The trouble is, the meal was served and the kitchen was cleaned before Ryan arrived.  So, he decided to fake an image so the visit didn't go to waste.  All the pot that he was cleaning were already clean.  See? Paul Ryan really cares for poor people...even though the Romney economic plan gives tax breaks to the super rich at the expense of services aimed at helping the poorest of Americans.  What a good Catholic boy!!

Maybe the Romney campaign can earn some money at a stock photo website.

So this is pretty crazy: on Saturday, Paul Ryan planned to have a photo op washing dishes and serving food at a Youngstown, Ohio soup kitchen ... but by the time he arrived, the food had already been served and the dishes had apparently already been done. So he did what any politician in need of a photo op would do—he washed them again, for the benefit of the cameras:
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Paul Ryan visited a soup kitchen here Saturday on his way to the airport, but by the time the GOP vice presidential nominee and his family had arrived shortly before noon, the grits, sausage and doughnuts had been served, the hall was empty of patrons and the volunteers appeared to have already cleaned up. [...]
Ryan stood at the sink and took some large metal pans that did not appear to be dirty, soaped them up and rinsed them, remarking as the cameras clicked and the TV cameras rolled that he had spent a summer washing dishes when he was younger.
“We had a Hobart, though, which was — you get calluses on your fingers because it’s so hot,” he said, referring to the Hobart industrial dishwashing machine.
UPDATE: Here is video of the soup kitchen moment


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