Tired of Mormons Posthumously Baptizing Dead Non-Mormons?...Baptize Dead Mormons into homosexuality

Not only is the Mormon Church pissing off gays, they are also pissing off dead people! Mormons have been posthumously baptizing dead holocaust victims, among others, into their faith. Imagine enjoying yourself in the afterlife only to find out some cult has decided that you are now a follower of their psychosis.  How pissed would you be?! 
Newly baptized Mormon Anne Frank
Annelies Marie (Anne) Frank, a German-born Jew who perished in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, was allegedly baptized posthumously by Mormons on Saturday, the Huffington Post reported Tuesday.
According to the report, the baptism was conducted using a proxy, by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Dominican Republic .
Whistleblower Helen Radkey, a former member of the church, told the Huffington Post that she discovered Frank's name on a database open only to Mormons, where the Jewish girl who died at age 15 was listed as "Completed" beside categories labeled "Baptism" and "Confirmation" with the date February 18, 2012. A screen shot of the alleged database sent by Radkey is linked to the Huffington Post report.
The Huffington Post described Radkey as "a Salt Lake City researcher who investigates such incidents, which violate a 2010 pact between the Mormon Church and Jewish leaders."
Jews are particularly offended by an attempt to alter the religion of Holocaust victims, who were murdered because of their religion, and the baptism of Holocaust survivors was supposed to have been barred by a 1995 agreement.
Mormons believe posthumous baptism by proxy allows deceased persons to receive the Gospel in the afterlife. The church believes departed souls can then accept or reject the baptismal rites and contends the offerings are not intended to offend anyone.
Other religions, including the Catholic church, have also publicly objected to the baptism of its members, and it's been widely reported that Mormon and GOP presidential nominee front-runner Mitt Romney's atheist father-in-law Edward Davies was posthumously baptized.
Pissed off and feeling helpless?  Worry no more!  You can now posthumously baptize a dead Mormon into homosexuality at this fabulous new website!  The great thing is, once they are baptized, there are no take backs!!  It is permanent gayness for all dead Mormons!!  I didn't know any dead Mormons, since I don't travel in the same social circles...so the website let me randomly choose a dead Mormon.  My Mormon was someone named Peter Anderson.  I clicked the "Convert" button and "Presto-Change-o"...Peter Anderson is now GAY for all eternity!  Isn't Cult thinking FUN?!!


  1. Omg I'm so going to baptize a gay Mormon RIGHT NOW. Payback time!!!

    1. The best part is this is NOT reversible...That's what the website says...and I believe everything I read on the internet!!


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