College Football Player Assaults Lesbian In Bar Fight

Shane Williams, Chelsea Gallagher
Young Drunk kids do stupid things.  We'll follow this to see if formal charges will be filed against Williams. 

Via The Advocate:

A Colorado Mesa University running back was arrested for allegedly assaulting a lesbian outside of a bar in Grand Junction, Colo. early Friday.

Local ABC 7 reports that police responded to an altercation outside the Red Room Bar and Lounge and arrested Shane Williams, 20, after witnesses said the college football player had engaged in a verbal confrontation with a woman that turned physical.

According to the victim, Chelsea Gallagher, the fight stemmed from comments made about her sexual orientation and the appearance of her female companion.

"Going outside to leave," Gallagher told KKCO-TV, “is when they started kind of making comments about us being gay and saying that [my friend] looked like a boy and stuff.”

Gallagher told KJCT-TV that she suffered a black eye, a fractured skull, and hearing loss as a result of the incident.

Williams is reportedly free on bond following an arrest on suspicion of second-degree assault, possession of a fake ID, and possession of alcohol as a minor.

No formal charges have been filed.

Read more here.


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