3 Lesbians Accused Of Hate Crime Against Gay Man...Huh?

Lydia Sanford
A very sad and interesting situation in Boston.  Three woman, who claim to be lesbians have been arraigned for a hate crime...against a gay man.  John Avarosis at AmericaBlog makes a good point. Roy Cohn was gay, and the man was a walking hate crime.” 
A gay Boston man was allegedly the victim of a hate crime last week when he was attacked by a group of teenage girls at a subway station, Boston’s news station WHDH reported.
Felicia Stroud
Local authorities say that the man had cuts on his face and a bloody nose and that he told police a group of teenage girls physically and verbally assaulted him at the Forest Hills subway station. He also told police that he believes he was attacked because he is gay...
Erika Stroud
...But the case took a strange turn on Saturday, Feb. 25, when Boston police arraigned three black girls who claim that they are lesbians. The Boston Herald reported that a prominent civil rights lawyer claimed that "no sane jury would convinct them under those circumstances." He saved most of his fire for hate-crime laws which, he said, tries to break people down into categories and "is doomed for failure."

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