Fox News Viewers Less Informed Than People Who Watch No News!

Screen cap of Fox New deliberately confusing climate with weather
There are also 6 previous studies on global warming, health care, health care a second time, the Ground Zero mosque, the Iraq war, and the 2010 election* that show Fox New viewers are the least informed of all.  This current study shows that people who watch no news at all are more informed than Fox News viewers.  That's a great accomplishment for Fox because, in my opinion, this is actually their goal.  The don't want their viewers informed...they want them convinced.  And that is a huge difference!

I know it will shock every reader of this blog to discover this, but this groundbreaking study proves what we've all known: Watching Fox News will make you stupid. Or keep you stupid. Or something. What it won't do is inform you. As Christian Finnegan pointed out to David Shuster on Countdown, Fox News' goal is not to inform, but to "provide light intellectual cover for the gut prejudices you already have."
Fairleigh Dickinson University conducted a poll of about 700 New Jersey residents. They adjusted the results for partisanship and came to the following conclusion:
Sunday morning news shows do the most to help people learn about current events, while some outlets, especially Fox News, lead people to be even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.



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